BibManager: Overview

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Behlen.etal:1997 Behlen, Andreas; Steiger, Michael; Dannecker, Walter (1997): Quantification of the salt input by wet and dry deposition on a vertical masonry. In: A. Moropoulou; F. Zezza; E. Kollias; I. Papachristodoulou (eds.): Proceedings 4th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean, Texniko Enimeahthpio, 237-246.
Behlen.etal:2008 Behlen, Andreas; Steiger, Michael; Dannecker, Walter (2008): Disposition of sulfur dioxide to building stones: the influence of the ambient concentration to the deposition velocity. In: Environmental Geology, 56 (3), 595-603, 10.1007/s00254-008-1414-x
Wittenburg.etal:1998 Wittenburg, Christian; Behlen, Andreas; Steiger, Michael; Dannecker, Walter (1998): Die Messung von Luftschadstoffen und deren Deposition auf verschiedene Sandsteine an historischen Bauwerken. In: Snethlage, Rolf (eds.): Jahresberichte Steinzerfall - Steinkonservierung 1994-1996, IRB-Verlag, 27-59.